Tackling church projects in phases
The ongoing ministry health of a church is of utmost concern
Continue ReadingThe ongoing ministry health of a church is of utmost concern
Continue ReadingWise counsel and established trust between Christian Investors Financial and two churches in Pennsylvania have contributed to lasting, transparent relationships with communication at the center.
Continue Reading“I’m worried my church might fall behind on its loan payments.” That’s never a fun situation to find yourself in, but there’s always hope.
Continue ReadingYour church or ministry is growing, and you are running out of space to accommodate all the people and activities.
Continue ReadingWhat would your church do with more money left over at the end of each month? Probably a lot of things, right? Refinancing your church loan to a lower rate will reduce your monthly obligations, especially if your refinancing doesn’t involve closing costs.
Continue ReadingIt seems everywhere you turn today, people are talking about refinancing. Interest rates are at historic lows, and individuals and business are scrambling to see if their interest rate is as good as it can be—or if there is something better out there.
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