65th Anniversary – God-honoring care for churches
In the second of a three-part video series, CIF board members address the need for ministry serving churches, our Kingdom-minded work, financial strength and growth.
Continue ReadingMilestones in CIF’s journey serving churches and people
Starting in 1959, Paul Carlson was the first manager and secretary treasurer of CIF, then Christian Investors Foundation.
He was known for his efficient leadership, humor, dedication and compassion, and concern for others, wrote Pastor Lynn Manlove of Faith Evangelical Free Church, Tempe, Ariz. in 1973.
In his tribute to Carlson’s passing, Manlove reflected on the CIF loan for his church. Carlson attended a church dedication there in the late 1960s. “Incidentally, I know of no one who has worked harder in the interest of Free Church pastors than he did,” Manlove said.
Carlson was an engineer by profession, who “left no room for guesswork or error,” according to a second tribute piece in The Evangelical Beacon* magazine. He added to his passion for accuracy an overwhelming passion for the cause of Christ and His church.
*The Evangelical Beacon was published by the Evangelical Free Church of America from 1931 to 2003.