Northwest Community Church in Phoenix
Building, campus improvements enhance discipleship, ministries in Southwest
Continue ReadingLocated in The Villages, which is a community in central Florida, Live Oaks mainly serves Baby Boomers or the “Encore Generation.”
The church’s relationship with CIF started with help on a capital campaign. “The typical ratios indicated that a $1.5-million-dollar campaign would have been overachieving, but the goal was set for $2.5 million—and that goal has been achieved,” said Senior Pastor Chris Holck.
But CIF’s partnership with LOCC didn’t end with the capital campaign.
“Being a new church with a strong, but short, financial track record, LOCC was not eligible for a loan with a conventional banking institution,” Holck continued. “We contacted CIF, and they eagerly worked with us, ultimately offering a loan that met our needs.”
Today, LOCC has a new church campus, a manageable mortgage and the opportunity to continue to reach Baby Boomers—and others—with the love of Christ!
“The godly counsel that came from CIF coupled with their financial insights provided just what we needed to move forward,” Holck concluded.
Contact us to discover how your church or ministry can partner with CIF on a church loan or a church capital campaign!