Online Services
Client Login
For current CIF customers, with Online Services already established and enabled.
For new user registration for Online Services (Personal owned account(s) only).
NOTE: If you are an Authorized Representative of a Church or other organizational entity, or acting in a Trustee, Custodian, or Power of Attorney capacity, please contact our CIF Customer Service team as outlined below for assistance on how to establish and enable Online Services for your active church loans and investment certificates.
Clients who are actively enrolled in Online Services will have real-time access to their eligible account(s) balances and certain transaction activity; functionality to receive and view periodic statements and other documents related to their account(s); have the ability to make certain profile and account changes; and the ability to make eligible transfers between your accounts at CIF or between eligible CIF account(s) and your external financial institution accounts.
Online Services is unique to each Personal account owner, and for Non-Personal Legal Entity account owners and their Authorized Representatives. As such, certain restrictions apply as outlined in the Online and Mobile Services Agreement.
If you are a current CIF customer, with active church loans and investment certificates, please contact our Customer Service Team as outlined below for assistance and instructions on how to authorize and enable Online Services:
CIF Customer Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. CST
(Closed on CIF observed holidays)
We appreciate your trust and value your commitment to, and relationship with CIF.
Your partnership helps us to fulfill our mission to provide faith-based financial solutions that serve Kingdom expansion!